Rear Window

Would you be comfortable driving a car with no rear window? The latest innovation from Polestar is the unique rear design of the new Polestar 4. This new design allows for an extended panoramic roof, with a spacious passenger environment and generous headroom. A...

Waste not, want not.

Did you know that a vehicle with an internal combustion engine (ICE) converts only a quarter of the energy in gasoline into driving, while an electric car converts more than three-quarters of the energy in the battery into motion? Or that burning one unit of natural...

Context is King

A year or so ago all you heard in the media was how adoption of EVs was skyrocketing, while in the present all you hear is that EV sales are cratering. The truth as always is somewhere in-between. As GM’s Mary Barra said recently about the US outlook for EVs: “I think...

Wither Fobs?

Remember when you needed 2 keys to operate your car: one for the doors/trunk, the other to turn the ignition? Keys gave way to fobs, and now fobs are giving way to your phone. Polestars and Teslas pair up with your phone, so you don’t have to carry around that fob...

Battery Recycling

Producing a battery for an electric vehicle typically entails mining substantial quantities of difficult-to-access minerals. Conventional methods of extracting and refining these materials for battery production demand vast amounts of energy, resulting in a higher...