With the shuttering of 128 Volvo, you no longer can buy a Volvo , get your Volvo serviced, or purchase any Volvo genuine parts at 614 North Ave in Wakefield. It’s the end of an era. Volvo was always an outlier when it came to small, local ownership of their dealerships. As more and more area stores were absorbed into ever-larger automotive behemoths, Volvo kept it less massive. 128 Volvo, Stutz, Dalzell, Farrell, Lee, Alewife, South Shore and more – up until a few years ago, Volvo was defined by smaller operations, often the originating owners.

While not necessarily small, we are innately local, starting with the Cambridge accent emanating from our CEOs office. But when you look around, you’ll find most Greater Boston Volvo dealerships are now part of significantly larger organizations. This is neither good nor bad, it is just different. Times change, brands and companies evolve. And small business owners move on.

As we add the staff of 128 Volvo into our group and look forward to serving their old customers, at the least we know we’ll be around for many more years. We’ve been doing Volvo longer than anyone else in New England, and we intend to be around many more.