Rear Window

Would you be comfortable driving a car with no rear window? The latest innovation from Polestar is the unique rear design of the new Polestar 4. This new design allows for an extended panoramic roof, with a spacious passenger environment and generous headroom. A...

Wither Fobs?

Remember when you needed 2 keys to operate your car: one for the doors/trunk, the other to turn the ignition? Keys gave way to fobs, and now fobs are giving way to your phone. Polestars and Teslas pair up with your phone, so you don’t have to carry around that fob...

Battery Recycling

Producing a battery for an electric vehicle typically entails mining substantial quantities of difficult-to-access minerals. Conventional methods of extracting and refining these materials for battery production demand vast amounts of energy, resulting in a higher...

Airless Tires

Is the future of tire technology based on no air? Michelin is heavily researching airless technology, and it believes that airless tires will become a significant part of its future tire lineup. Think about the advantages of a tire that doesn’t have to be filled with...

Battery Electrics vs ICE

For some time now, there has been a specious claim making the rounds that EVs are actually worse for the planet than internal combustion engines. The basic gist of the argument is that you use more energy to make the EV’s motors and battery packs than you would for a...

EV Sales Milestones

According to Bloomberg News, Electric vehicle (EVs) sales in the United States are achieving remarkable milestones.During the first half of 2023, the market share of EVs surpassed 7%, which marks a pivotal moment for widespread adoption. Total EV sales also recently...