Context is King

A year or so ago all you heard in the media was how adoption of EVs was skyrocketing, while in the present all you hear is that EV sales are cratering. The truth as always is somewhere in-between. As GM’s Mary Barra said recently about the US outlook for EVs: “I think...

Airless Tires

Is the future of tire technology based on no air? Michelin is heavily researching airless technology, and it believes that airless tires will become a significant part of its future tire lineup. Think about the advantages of a tire that doesn’t have to be filled with...

Save Money, Drive an EV

Driving with an EV is way cheaper than driving with gasoline – that’s the finding on a recent article you can click over to: What’s fascinating is that the article shows the cost...

Hood Heights

Oversized trucks and SUVs have become increasingly noticeable in recent years, resembling vehicles on a steroid-induced regimen. While the towering hoods of these vehicles may intuitively appear more perilous to pedestrians and other vulnerable road users, recent...

Unsafe at Current Speeds

This is an incredibly sobering article about why driving in America is on a downward trajectory in terms of safety: The cars we drive are safer than ever, but our driving habits are making American roads much less safe. There have been 3 significant spikes in driving...

The Better Product Wins

The annual CES/Consumer Electronics Show is always an interesting news source. One takeaway from this year’s show is the number of new products which are sustainable in design, but which don’t use sustainability as the primary driver of their sales pitches. For...