Unsafe at Current Speeds

This is an incredibly sobering article about why driving in America is on a downward trajectory in terms of safety: The cars we drive are safer than ever, but our driving habits are making American roads much less safe. There have been 3 significant spikes in driving...

The Better Product Wins

The annual CES/Consumer Electronics Show is always an interesting news source. One takeaway from this year’s show is the number of new products which are sustainable in design, but which don’t use sustainability as the primary driver of their sales pitches. For...

EV Sales Stagnating?

In recent weeks, various automakers have expressed concerns about declining demand for electric vehicles (EVs) in the US. However, recent sales data from California presents a different narrative.According to the quarterly report released by the California New Car...

Battery Electrics vs ICE

For some time now, there has been a specious claim making the rounds that EVs are actually worse for the planet than internal combustion engines. The basic gist of the argument is that you use more energy to make the EV’s motors and battery packs than you would for a...

EV Sales Milestones

According to Bloomberg News, Electric vehicle (EVs) sales in the United States are achieving remarkable milestones.During the first half of 2023, the market share of EVs surpassed 7%, which marks a pivotal moment for widespread adoption. Total EV sales also recently...

Your Car’s Getting Pudgy

In 2022, the average weight of a new vehicle sold in America was 4,329 pounds. Compare that to 1980, where the weight was about 1,000 pounds less. There are two trends at work here. Number 1 is the movement in America toward larger and heavier SUVs and trucks. And...