As of today, across our Group roughly 40% of our new car inventory is electrified. That’s pretty amazing, given that if this calculation was done a year ago it would have been less than 10%.

Granted there are several factors in play here. The global disruption in microchips has upended the supply and mix of our inventories, so we don’t have nearly as many cars in stock as we normally would. And our Swedish nameplates – Volvo and Polestar – account for most of our electrified inventory, with Audi and Porsche and Honda chipping in a little bit each.

Yet 40% is a startling number.

Every day you see another OEM touting their electrification plans, but often these plans are easy to dismiss as marketing and PR fluff. But when you click into your websites and see 150+ available electric cars in your inventories, that’s when the inexorable move to electric registers. The inflection point is real.