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What’s a Saloon?
Every once in a while you come across the term "saloon" as it relates to cars, and you wonder why people are using a term from the Old West to describe a car. When you dive into the etymology, it actually makes pretty logical sense. 📜 Origin of "Saloon":The word...
3+ Years of Driving an EV
I started driving an EV every day in the fall of 2021. As I was cruising up Route 2 on a frigid evening this past week, I was struck by how much in that time I’ve come to love driving an EV.I preface this post by stating that I would prefer an EV for a myriad of...
Yes, Headlights Are Becoming An Issue
I read a very interesting article recently on the The Ringer website about car headlights and the controversy over how much brighter they have become. It’s a long read, but worth the time if you’ve been like me noticing lately that it seems as if more and more people...