by Phil Jackson | Jan 25, 2024
This is an incredibly sobering article about why driving in America is on a downward trajectory in terms of safety: The cars we drive are safer than ever, but our driving habits are making American roads much less safe. There have been 3 significant spikes in driving...
by Phil Jackson | Jan 11, 2024
The annual CES/Consumer Electronics Show is always an interesting news source. One takeaway from this year’s show is the number of new products which are sustainable in design, but which don’t use sustainability as the primary driver of their sales pitches. For...
by Phil Jackson | Dec 1, 2023
This week we celebrated our corporate facilities manager Mark Raybould, our indispensible jack-of-all-trades who performs miracles and fixes across our group. Mark started at our old Saab City location in Framingham 25 years ago, and has been solving problems since...
by Phil Jackson | Nov 16, 2023
A few weeks ago we celebrated Ron Brady, one of our master technicians at Boston Volvo. Ron has been with us for 50 years, which is simply an extraordinary feat. Repairing cars is a tough job, and Ron has honored us by sticking to it and doing it great for 5 decades....
by Phil Jackson | Nov 2, 2023
In recent weeks, various automakers have expressed concerns about declining demand for electric vehicles (EVs) in the US. However, recent sales data from California presents a different narrative.According to the quarterly report released by the California New Car...