Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo. Chuck pastrami corned beef beef ribs, tail short ribs brisket hamburger doner spare ribs pork chop pork belly ham tenderloin kielbasa. Tri-tip shank chicken strip steak, pork tail fatback pig t-bone turkey sausage shankle. Boudin chuck leberkas venison, doner hamburger sirloin cupim bacon shoulder short loin tail sausage alcatra.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.
Here's what our customer's think of us:
Greener Tires
German tiremaker Continental AG has launched its most eco-friendly tire to date. This initiative is a part of Continental's drive to adhere to ecological goals set by itself, its clients, and various governments.The company's latest tire offering, the UltraContact...
Norwegian Test Market
Read an interesting article in the NYT recently about the transformation of Norway’s transportation sector to electric. Last year 80% of new car sales in Norway were electric, as the country moves to end sales of ICE cars in 2025 (this in a country which still has a...
Lease Your EV
Buying a new EV isn’t as easy as it could be. While the Inflation Reduction Act has a long-term goal of promoting ownership of electric vehicles in the US, in the short-term things are confusing. Fewer than a dozen EVs qualify for the full $7500 tax credit if...
Inventory Mix
There is no better indicator of the present state of change in the automotive industry than the new car inventory across our group. Go back 5 years ago or so, and pretty much our entire inventory was a traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. We did have...
What’s Old is New Again
Rear-wheel-drive is making a comeback. This year Volvo announced it would reverse a company policy and produce rear-wheel-drive (RWD) cars for the first time in 25 years. Volvo’s policy was that front-wheel-drive (FWD) cars are safer because they typically do a better...
No More Gas Stops
The pluses of electric cars are myriad: quieter driving, ridiculous torque and acceleration, more pure driving fun, less maintenance needed, and so forth. And there certainly are challenges ahead with electric cars - charging infrastructure probably being the most...
Peak ICE?
Has the world reached peak ICE? Sales of internal combustion engine (ICE) passenger vehicles reached a peak of 86 million in 2017 (this number includes traditional hybrids like the Prius). In that same year electric and plug-in hybrids amounted to just over 1 million...
International Womens Day
On this International Womens Day, here is a great quote we recently read in Automotive News: "The reason why women aren't drawn to our industry is because they think we're selling cars. If they knew that it was so much more about the people, this would be one of the...
Back in MetroWest
Amazingly, it has been 15+ years since Village Automotive operated a location in MetroWest. Back in the summer of 2007 we sold Saab City USA (aka, Framingham Saab) to concentrate on our main Saab location - Charles River Saab in Watertown. 16 years later Saab is no...
Welcome to Brigham-Gill Village CDJR!
We are proud to accounce that the Village Automotive Group has acquired a new location, Brigham-Gill Village Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Ram, located at 817 Worcester St in Natick on the westbound side of Route 9, a mile before the Natick Mall. “We are tremendously excited to...