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Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo. Chuck pastrami corned beef beef ribs, tail short ribs brisket hamburger doner spare ribs pork chop pork belly ham tenderloin kielbasa. Tri-tip shank chicken strip steak, pork tail fatback pig t-bone turkey sausage shankle. Boudin chuck leberkas venison, doner hamburger sirloin cupim bacon shoulder short loin tail sausage alcatra.


Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo.


Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo.


Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.


Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.


Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.

Here's what our customer's think of us:

Cutting the Cable

Watch how kids consume media - I don't know of a kid who would turn to a TV when they had a free moment of downtime. But what is more telling is that they don't ever consider television - it isn't even in their option tree of choices. If I were a Cable TV executive...

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign…

When 128 Volvo closed a few weeks ago, one thing which happened incredibly quickly was the dismantling of the VOLVO sign on the side of the building. Within a day, you no longer could see the familiar Volvo blue letters advertising that you could buy a Volvo in...

The Poor Choice Troika

If you are doing advertising for a dealership, your poorest choice would be to run an ad in a newspaper (ROI roughly equals $0). A slightly less poor choice would be traditional radio, but the ROI isn't much better. And the 3rd pillar of poor choices would be...

Newspaper Non-Advertising

With the closing of 128 Volvo, it got me thinking about the wholesale changes in the world of dealership newspaper advertising. If you look back at the archives of the Boston Globe from earlier this century, you would find a substantial Sunday Automotive section -...

128 Volvo Closes Down

With the shuttering of 128 Volvo, you no longer can buy a Volvo , get your Volvo serviced, or purchase any Volvo genuine parts at 614 North Ave in Wakefield. It's the end of an era. Volvo was always an outlier when it came to small, local ownership of their...

Welcome 128 Volvo Customers

After a long time in the Volvo world, the owners of 128 Volvo are closing down their business. We are honored that Volvo Cars North America has directed us - as the Volvo dealer with the 2 nearest locations - to take over and serve the loyal customers of 128. With...

The demise of

It is sad to see what's become of Years ago it was a juggernaut - the singular website in Greater Boston for news, sports, events and everything else. It was the homepage on my browser for probably a decade or more, and I spent hours on the site every day....

Doing anything my radio advised… not

Does anyone listen to radio anymore? Or maybe a better question is does anyone hear ads on the radio anymore? These days I find myself listening to more and more podcasts. They are a much more interesting way to pass the time while in my car. I still listen to...

Thanks to Dynamic Beacon

Just a quick shout-out to our friends at Dynamic Beacon for the help in creating this great new website for our company. It is everything we wanted - clean, good-looking, and responsive. So it pretty much is unlike most automotive websites! Our store-specific websites...

Audi Norwell

59 Pond St, Norwell, MA 02061, USA | Get Directions

Boston Volvo Cars

61 N Beacon St, Allston, MA 02134, USA | Get Directions

Charles River Saab

75 N Beacon St #95, Boston, MA 02108, USA | Get Directions

Honda Village of Newton

371 Washington St, Newton, MA 02458, USA | Get Directions

Hyundai Village of Danvers

24 Commonwealth Ave, Danvers, MA 01923, USA | Get Directions

Porsche Norwell

75 Pond St, Norwell, MA 02061, USA | Get Directions

Volvo Cars Danvers

24 Commonwealth Ave, Danvers, MA 01923, USA | Get Directions

Village Collision Center

5 Waldo Street Brookline, MA 02446 | Get Directions