Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo. Chuck pastrami corned beef beef ribs, tail short ribs brisket hamburger doner spare ribs pork chop pork belly ham tenderloin kielbasa. Tri-tip shank chicken strip steak, pork tail fatback pig t-bone turkey sausage shankle. Boudin chuck leberkas venison, doner hamburger sirloin cupim bacon shoulder short loin tail sausage alcatra.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.
Here's what our customer's think of us:
First Drive: my Hybrid
Been driving a Volvo hybrid for about 3 months now - here are the initial impressions: I average over 100 mpg. Granted I drive mostly local roads, but that is fantastic. I used to care more about how fast I got somewhere - now I'm satisfied watching my mpg's tick...
Auto Engineering Turns Soft
All of the talk about Tesla revolves around a few topics: they are burning through money - building cars is hard - that's why it has been many decades since a new car company came about. They will flame out. they are damn cool, I want one. they are cool, but I worry...
Changes in an Electric World
Just about every week vehicle manufacturers are coming out with news about the future electrification of their fleet. Volvo made a huge splash by announcing the electrification of their entire brand. Pretty much every German brand is diving in, trying to put the word...
A Little Allston/Brighton History
For us history geeks, a great resource for local history is the Brighton Allston Historical Society site. Superb old maps and images, info about neighborhoods and street names, stories about the old cattle industry which defined the area, and so much more. And yes,...
Can we retire the hackneyed sterotypes please?
Re-posting this from our old blog because it is one of my favorites! Pretty harsh opinion column in the Boston Globe this weekend, talking up Tesla and their desire to directly sell their cars to the public, versus the perceived downfalls of our current system of...
Volvo Changes its Climate
If you have ever driven a Volvo, you are well aware that they are not flimsy cars. Volvos are solid. The edges have been sanded of late, but the bones are still tank-esque. Heft does not help with fuel economy. Yet Volvo is not one of the car manufacturers out there...
For a business - or an industry - certainty is a wonderful thing to have. The more constants you have, the easier it is to successfully plan and run your business. Whether you love the existing EPA fuel-efficiency regulations (CAFE) or not, the fact is that there was...
Dealerships Are Expensive
Was doing some research today on tire buying tips, since the gospel of Google and Greg Gifford both tell me that producing original content for my website helps us stay relevant and pumps up my SEO. What was very amusing to me - and granted, I am easily amused - is...
Car Dealer Self-Loathing
Oldie but goodie - originally published in March of 2015. Just dove past a billboard for a dealership where the basic message was one of car dealer self-loathing; it went something along the lines of "don't like car dealers, neither do we." While psychologically this...
Hall of Fame Boss
Our Founder and President Ray Ciccolo was recently honored as one of the inaugural members of the Massachusetts Auto Dealers Hall of Fame. The new Hall of Fame was established by MSADA: the Massachusetts State Auto Dealers Association.Over the course of the last 100+...