Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo. Chuck pastrami corned beef beef ribs, tail short ribs brisket hamburger doner spare ribs pork chop pork belly ham tenderloin kielbasa. Tri-tip shank chicken strip steak, pork tail fatback pig t-bone turkey sausage shankle. Boudin chuck leberkas venison, doner hamburger sirloin cupim bacon shoulder short loin tail sausage alcatra.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin. Short ribs pork belly capicola beef ribs ribeye, bresaola chuck alcatra boudin bacon buffalo.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage brisket fatback ground round. Boudin turkey ham hock, shankle buffalo beef ribs pastrami landjaeger ribeye short ribs t-bone tenderloin.
Here's what our customer's think of us:
Walk the Walk
Automobile manufacturing electrification plans are inundating our Twitter feeds, so it is good to see an OEM actually walking the talk. Volvo made news yesterday by saying that its entire model lineup for 2023 will have an electrical aspect to the powertrain. Volvo...
Against the Wind
Honda just spent $124 million dollars to build a new wind tunnel testing facility in East Liberty, Ohio. You would think that after a century’s plus worth of research and design, the auto industry would know everything it needed to know about cars and how they slice...
With gas prices at ridiculous levels, there is little doubt that driving an electric car is better for your pocketbook these days. Before electric I didn’t miss having to stop at a gas station, with its frontal assault on your senses and your general well-being. Now I...
Support for Ukraine
An unfathomably tragic humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Ukraine. To help in our own small way, the stores of the Village Automotive Group will be collecting donations to support the World Central Kitchen’s relief efforts for Ukraine. WCK is an incredibly impressive...
The IPOs Know
If there was any doubt that all of the energy in the automotive industry is flowing toward electrification, all you have to do is take note of the stock market. Just this week, Volkswagen floated plans to spin off its Porsche division in an IPO valued at more than 90...
10 Million
Here are some forecasts from BloombergNEF about the burgeoning electric vehicle marketplace for 2022: • They predict 10 million plug-in vehicle sales, or about 14% of all global vehicle sales. Compare this to 6.6 million in 2021 and 3.2 million in 2020. This number...
Subscription Fees
Apparently, Subaru charges customers a monthly fee to enable the remote-start function on their cars. That is amazing – your car doesn’t need to be warmed up, and if you skip the fee you won’t be wasting energy and emitting extra emissions just because the car is a...
Norwegian Electrification
In a recent article, The New York Times talked about the speed at which Norway has embraced electric cars. For new car sales last year, only 8% ran solely on gas or diesel. Two-thirds of new cars sold were electric, with most of the rest being hybrids. Contrast this...
Stock Electric
As of today, across our Group roughly 40% of our new car inventory is electrified. That’s pretty amazing, given that if this calculation was done a year ago it would have been less than 10%. Granted there are several factors in play here. The global disruption in...
Buying For The Exception
As I consider the ‘limited’ range of my new electric car, I find myself thinking that range-anxiety really isn’t anything of note. How many days a year do I drive longer than the 265-mile range on my new Polestar 2? Maybe a handful at best. So why should I choose to...